Many nursing studies have shown that people with cancer want and expect many things from nurses. Competency is the most important expectation. People care that the nurse can start the IV and give chemotherapy , change a dressing, insert a catheter and know how to respond to an emergency. When you are getting treatment for your cancer, you obviously want to know without any doubt that you are in the hands of someone who is an expert, aware of the most up-to-date treatment methods. Professional Organization In Canada, the Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology/Association canadienne des infirmieres en oncologie (CANO/ACIO) is the professional organization for nurses in cancer care. Founded in 1985, it is now a large national organization with provincial and local divisions. CANO is dedicated to promoting prevention of cancer, to promoting optimal care of individuals with cancer and to providing support for the nurses caring for them. Through CANO, provincial and territorial nursing groups are linked, and collaboration among oncology nurses in practice, education, research and administration is fostered. Local, provincial and national conferences are held so that nurses can learn about advances in oncology nursing and medical care that can help improve the care they give you and your family. A national peer-reviewed journal, the Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal, is the official publication of CANO, and it too helps keep nurses across the country up to date with many aspects of cancer care.